About Banananomics

Macroeconomic reports from the global market graph

Banananomics provides a single source of truth from the global market graph—a cause-and-effect cluster of economic events with measured impact.

Why it matters: Banananomics is news that is audience-first, fact-based, free of opinion, and grounded in mathematically proven accuracy.

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Founding Team

Todd Moses

CEO / Co-Founder

Engineer, Founder, and Inventor. Formerly @ Finalysis.

David Yerger

Board Member / Investor

Builder, Adventure Capitalist, and Fund Manager. Formerly @ BitGo.

Brandon McEachern

Board Member / Investor

Coach, Business Development, and Investor. Formerly @ Mako Medical.


No, Banananomics is an AI company that reports discoveries from a massive graph of macroeconomic events.

Our global market graph measures the cause and effect of macroeconomic events and reports these findings to our staff.

While we are flattered that you want to, we only publish articles based on our global market graph findings.

If you want to interview a team member for an upcoming story, email us at help@estimand.ai with some background on your request.

While we appreciate the offer, we may decline unless the impact or cause is significant. Please email us at help@estimand.ai with some background on your request.

We are still deciding whether to allow advertisers on the platform. However, you may be able to convince us. Please email us at help@estimand.ai with some background on your request.